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Essay TitleWords
Should There Be A Nuclear Power Plant In Saskatchewan?455
Simple Machines595
Solar Energy412
Solar Energy - The Energy Of The Future?348
Solar Oven143
Surface Area To Volume Ratios In Plants (Arid Vs. Moist Environments)1137
Technology The End Of Mankind520
The Acid Rain Effects On Living Things1111
The Bunsen Burner351
The Creation Of The Universe1831
The Depletion Of Ozone Layer2630
The Effects Of Antibiotics On Bacterial Growth1304
The Effects Of Processing Vegetables1019
The EPA: Can It, Will It Save Our Environment?659
The Giraffe1152
The History Of White-Tailed Deer In Kentucky621
The Human Brain2090
The Human Eye In Space922
The Human Genome Project1283
The Invention Of The Telegram1122
The Mars Alive Documentary484
The Monkey747
The Nuclear Power Debate787
The Orgins Of Atomic Theory1894
The Physics Of Scuba Diving: Swimming With The Fish4531
The Planet Venus345
The Prairie170
The Quicksilver338
The Rain Forest - Example Of A Flourishing Ecosystem2835
The Roswell Incident1860
The Sequence Of Chemical Reactions613
The Tragic Challenger Explosion2870
The Year 2000 Bug2330
UFO Crash Near Roswell, NM1363

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