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By: Megan Knee
E-mail: AlyssaPye@aol.com
HARMFUL EFFECTS OF BODY PIERCING ON EVERYDAY LIFE A great number of teenagers and young adults have a body piercing. These can range anywhere from your belly button to your tongue. There are many effects it can have on you socially, or physically. This essay will describe the social aspects of bod ....
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.... toward you. The company may have a policy against piercing. They may make you seem immature or irresponsible. Some people feel they are a form of self-mutilation. Therefore, the employer and/or interviewer may think the applicant has no respect for his body. Mostly subconsciously employers are biased about such things as piercing. There is no science to it, and the only way to avoid this bias is to either remove the ring or not get it done. Body piercing is not frowned upon everywhere though. Certain stores may search for a certain “look” which may include piercing. One of the most ....