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By: John
E-mail: John85224@aol.com
Assignment: Is Perception Reality? A few years ago I moved to Arizona. I was to be the office manager of a Real Estate Appraisal firm. Unbeknown to me the Company owed back taxes to Internal Revenue Service. The IRS came in and seized all of the Companies bank accounts and assets. All of a ....
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.... a day were served the inmates. Also, family members could send them care packages at Christmas up to about 100 lbs., containing homemade food and clothing items. In addition, there is a prison store that the Incarcerated could order items from. A list of items would be filled out by the inmate with an account # and each week the items would be delivered to them. Many ordered their favorite food items such as; Corn Chips, Twinkies, cookies, candy, etc… Family members could send them money that was deposited to their account for future purchases. If an inmate had no money he could ....