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Beginning of Paper
By: Ksenya
E-mail: kk26@acsu.buffalo.edu
History is the past, which for the most part can not be scientificately proven. The real; goal of History is to rediscover past. A dramatic error happens when past is rediscovered from our own bias that is from the way we see it. Even certain artifacts ....
Middle of Paper
.... beginning and end by a prologue and epilogue. The “Code” touches almost every aspect of everyday life in Babylonya. As the prologue states, the laws were supposedly written “to promote the welfare of the people,…to cause just to prevail in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil, that the strong might not oppress the weak” ( The Human Record, p 12). Furthermore, just like a real Law Code, each “law” is written in the form of conditional sentence: in which the phrase is introduced by a certain condition, “if” and the consequence follows “then”. Another fact makes Hammurabi’s “Co ....