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Gun Control In The United States
One of the biggest issues in the United States today seems to be gun control. The government is constantly proposing legislation for more and more gun control. Slowly they are chipping away at our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. You must ask yourself; for what reason does the gov ....
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.... they start their Crusade against the evils of firearms.
Lets talk about a total gun ban. If that indeed came true, would the American society be safer? Truth is no. Besides the scary thought that only the Government would have guns, a ban would only work for those that follow the law. Criminals do not care if they go against the law. Take drugs, for example. Are there resctrictions placed on them? No. There is a TOTAL BAN on them, yet they continue to plague our society. We only do we make objects more diserable when we ban them.
An average household does not have ....