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Beginning of Paper
Gun Control
When our fore fathers first came onto this land, they were
oppressed by their rulers. These wise men decided to stage a revolt
against their government and start up a new government, with a set of rules,
laws and rights. They did not stage this massive revolt by negotiation, or
arbitration but with blood she ....
Middle of Paper
.... that the idea of gun ownership as an American
Birthright is just a myth. However, this is not true. The amendment
states that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Clearly stated,
this says that the right of people to have and use guns shall not be taken
The modern day anti-gun advocate cries out that if guns were
outlawed, then the violent crime rate would drop dramatically. Were this
true, I would agree with them, however, this is the true myth in the
situation. Were guns still outlawed, the criminal with a desire to attain
a gu ....