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Beginning of Paper
The Electoral College System
Many Americans take pride in the fact that the United States has a
democratic form of rule. They believe they directly elect their officials
to represent them. This is no true in all cases. The Presidency is not a
directly elected office. Many Americans do not r ....
Middle of Paper
.... states
use the general ticket system, two, Maine and Nebraska, use the district
system. The general ticket system is supposed to operate as follows. There
is a direct vote election held in each state and the winner of the vote is
suppose to get all of that states electoral votes. In 24 states the
electors are required to vote as pledged. In Maine and Nebraska there is an
election held in each congressional district. The winner of every district
gets one electoral vote, and the candidate with the most electoral votes
gets the remaining two electoral votes. Then all of the votes a ....