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The Doctrine of Fascism
Some General Ideological Features
"Reactionary concepts plus revolutionary emotion result in Fascist mentality."
-Wilhelm Reich
Is nationalism inherently evil? Would a one-world government be more
preferable? Are appreciating and defending ....
Middle of Paper
.... and predestined role in history.
Italy was the birthplace of Fascist ideology. Mussolini, ironically a former
socialist journalist, organized the first Fascist movement in 1919 at Milan. In
1922 Mussolini led a march on Rome, he was given a government post by the
king, and began transforming the Italian government into a Fascist state. In
1938 he forced the last remains of democracy, the Council of Deputies, to vote
themselves out of existence, leaving Mussolini dictator of Fascist Italy.
Fascism and the Doctrine of Fascism is more complex than ....