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Legislative Proposal for New Indecency Language in Telecom Bill
Although the October 16, 1995 legislative proposal purports to regulate “
computer pornography”, the proposal contains fatal flaws which render the
proposal at best counterproductive and at worst devastating to on-line
communicatio ....
Middle of Paper
.... the proposal:
1) Creates liability for, but never defines, “indecent” speech, a dangerously
vague standard that could leave companies criminally liable for use of mere
2) Establishes vague and contradictory standards of liability that could leave
innocent companies vicariously liable for communications over which they have no
3) Strips workable affirmative defenses from the Senate bill, eliminating a
clear standard of care for companies.
Not only does the proposal endanger companies, it fails to protect
children. The indecency standard guarantees that enforcemen ....