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Humans are tiny particles of dust in a great ocean of time and space. But have you ever thought about how insignificant humans really are, in such a vast and bounteous universe? Just the thought of it can make an individual feel completely isolated. In the novel The Martian Chronicles, author Ray Bradbury uses setting and ....

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.... The author shows the reader that the thing the humans wanted most "… was Mars grown green and tall with trees and foliage, just like Earth." (p. 73). The character in the novel felt strange and alone, as he was one of the first men to come to Mars. Without planting the trees, to make the red planet of Mars look more like Earth, the character would have been very depressed due to his loneliness and realization that there is more to the universe than just Earth. Since the humans see the planet of Mars and what the Martians had, before they were extinct, the humans ....

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