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In Nightjohn there were a number of facts, details and incidents that contribute to the historical accuracy of the book. I have outlined some of the more specific examples as follows: There was a man who risked his life for the sake of teaching the other children in the surrounding plantations how to read and write. The owner of the plant ....

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.... that he (King Christian) rode alone on his horse from the palace every morning, unguarded, and greeted his people." (Lowry 134). The German soldiers occupied Denmark for five years. The Germans controlled the rail system, hospitals, schools, government, and even the newspapers. The story about the soldier who saw King Christian ride by on his horse one morning and asked a boy "Where is his body guard?" to which the boy replied "All of Denmark is his bodyguard", is in fact, true. On August 1943, the Danes did sink their entire navy in Copenhagen harbor before the Germans came ....

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