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Part 1: Music of the Late Baroque (1700-1750) Italian opera was composed all over Europe. Metastasio was a famous librettist who supplied Italian opera stories to composers of the late baroque and classic periods.Two of Handel's best-known Italian operas are Giulio Cesare and Rodelinda.The Italian city to the south of ....

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.... Vivaldi's best known set of concerti is for violin and is called La Stravaganza. Vivaldi also wrote quite a bit of church music. Vivaldi's better known choral compositions include the Magnificat, Gloria, and Vespers. III . When reading about Johann Sebastian Bach we frequently hear about Erdmann Neumeister. In addition to influencing Bach, Neumeister was also much admired by Telemann. Erdmann composed religious poetry and 9 cycles of cantata texts, some of which were used by Telemann. Telemann's best known music today is his chamber music, including t ....

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