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Creative Writing: The Chase

Leaving the jewelry store at a rather accelerated pace, a common, plain- clothed man with a parcel tucked under his arm jumped into his white, slightly dirtied Ford Bronco. He then hurriedly concealed the package under the front passenger seat making certain to prevent it from being seen from peo ....

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.... looking as he took his package into his hide-out. Opening it he realized he'd been bugged. They had placed a small tracking device inside one of the rings he'd stolen. "How could they possibly have uncovered my meticulously, elaborate plan. No one even had a clue about the details . . . except for Thomas. Darn that rotten, selfish feign. How dare he get greedy and sell out on me." He reasons that with little time to spare, he'd be better off cutting his losses by leaving the package of jewels behind and trying to escape and save his own butt. Ru ....

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