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Is Gimpel a Fool?
In “Gimpel the Fool,” the main character, Gimpel, developed into a very strong person mainly because of the way people treated him. He begins as a strong person, but grows stronger and stronger as his life continues. Everybody in Gimpel’s town thinks he is a gullible fool, but they’re the foo ....
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.... strong person for not hating this child or neglecting it. Most people would hate the child knowing it was not theirs, but Gimpel is different. He has compassion for all people, and it doesn’t matter how others perceive them.
When Gimpel urinates in the bread, and then he buries is because of self-guilt, he shows strong conscience. This is a good thing. Not everyone has a conscience at all, and Gimpel has a tremendous one. This shows no matter what people do to Gimpel that he has no revenge-type doings. He does consider it, but he doesn’t go through with it. This is also true wit ....