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Approval of the Journal 1. The Speaker shall take the Chair on every legislative day precisely at the hour to which the House last adjourned and immediately call the House to order. Having examined and approved the Journal of the last day’s proceedings, the Speaker shall announce to the House his approval thereof. The Speaker ....

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.... by a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner. On such an appeal a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner may not speak more than once without permission of the House. Form of a question 6. The Speaker shall rise to put a question but may state it sitting. The Speaker shall put a question in this form: “Those in favor (of the question), say ‘Aye.’ ”; and after the affirmative voice is expressed, “Those opposed, say ‘No.’ ”. After a vote by voice under this clause, the Speaker may use such voting procedures as may be invoked under rule XX. Discr ....

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