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Gibbons Vs. Ogden, 1824
The case of Gibbons vs. Ogden was one of the deciding factors in the creation of a stable commercial system that would propel the United States into its current position as a World Power. New York, being influenced by Sectionalist ideals, created a law that obstructed th ....
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.... dominate as a world power.
The situation leading to the hearing of the case in the Supreme Court began when Thomas Gibbons was persecuted by his competitor, Aaron Ogden, because he broke the New York Steamboat Act by navigating the Hudson River without a proper New York License. However, Ogden had the required License, so he was given the free reign of a monopoly after Gibbons was restricted from the New York waterways. Gibbons demanded that the New York License was wholly unnecessary the piloting of ships in New York waters. Gibbons justified this furthermor ....