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Chernobyl Revisted

On April 26, 1986 reactor #4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Facility exploded. After this stunning catastrophy countries all around phased out nuclear energy entirely, due to fear of the same fate as Chernobyl. When Bill and the professor visited the site of the disaster it was clearly evident that the nuclear r ....

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.... sand-boron-lead mixture to put out the fire it eventually worked. The soviets still did not release the information to the public on the Chernobyl incident untill 1 1/2 days after the incident took place. This was after they had the situation some what under control, for the simple reason that they were afraid of massive panic. 135000 people were then evacuated form nearby towns and cities. The soviets had more luck, rather then the blast happen in time of rain ar heavy wind it happened at a time when the weather was somewhat calm. This meant that inst ....

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