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Psychology: Women and Territory
Basic psychology is the attempt to explain and understand significant
issues in human behavior which can shed light on popular misconceptions. Desmond
Morris and Naomi Weisstein explore two different psychological areas that are
misunderstood by the public and some psychologists.
"The invading army encroa ....
Middle of Paper
.... article Psychology Constructs the Female, explains the
various misunderstanding that male psychologist have towards females. One the
prominent psychologists of the sixties, Erik Erikson, explained his biased
opinions that women primary function is the being a mother. "We must start with
the realization that, as much as women want to be good scientists or engineers,
they want first and foremost to be womanly companions of men and to be
mothers"(P.178). Erikson is using his own personal beliefs instead of scientific
data to misinterpret the ro ....