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Beginning of Paper
Homeostasis is essential to the cell’s survival. The cell membrane is
responsible for homeostasis. The membrane has a selective permeability
which means what moves in and out of the cell is regulated. Amino
acids, sugars, oxygen, sodium, and potassium are examples of substances
that e ....
Middle of Paper
.... Solutions have three different stages that the solutes can
be classified in: isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic. Isotonic is when
the solutions have equal amounts of solutes. Like equilibrium, there is
no net change in the amount of water in either solution. When the
solutions have different concentration of solutes then the one with less
solute is hypotonic and the one with more solute is hypertonic.
Hypotonic takes in the solute from the hypertonic side that gives away
the solute. There will be a net movement in these types of solution.
The molecules w ....