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Beginning of Paper
How Are Mountains Formed?
Mountains are formed over long periods of time by forces of the earth.
Mountains just don’t appear in any place. Most are formed when plates, or
huge pieces of the Earth’s crust, pull and push against each other. Great
mountain ranges are formed by the movement of tectonic plates ....
Middle of Paper
.... the Earth’s crust, it does not come to the surface, but
the molten rock pushes the ground up into a dome. Examples are Yosemite’s
Half Dome, the Adirondacks in New York, and the Black Hills in South
Dakota.Some mountains started at the bottom of the sea. Scientists found that
out when they took limestone off Mt. Everest and found dead sea creatures.
Limestone is a kind of rock that is formed very slowly over thousands of
years. Animals and plants that get stuck in limestone are called fossils.
Limestone and fossils a ....