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Beginning of Paper
Extra Sensory Perception
Chapter Page
History of ESP...........................................3
What is ESP?.............................................5
Test for Telepathy.......................................7
Test for Clairvoyance....................... ....
Middle of Paper
.... Perseption or ESP is the abillity acquire information
without using any senses. In the dictionary, ESP is defined as:
extra(eks'ra) n. 1. Something in addition to what is usual./ sensory
(sen'so ri) adj. Pertaining to se nsation or to any one of five senses, as,
sensory experience; carrying nerve impulses from the sense organs to the
brain or other nerve center./ perception (per sep'shun) n. 1.Awareness
consciosness. 2.Knowledge obtained through sense s. If you put these
defenitions together, it clearly spells ESP. There are three main groups of
ESP ....