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Human Evolution and the Fossil Record
Scientists continue to debate the history of man. It is generally
agreed upon by the scientific community, however, that humans evolved from
lesser beings, and this essay will function to provide evidence to support this
claim. Several points will be outlined, including th ....
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.... argon-40 is a gas, it is released. The ratio of argon-40 released to
potassium-40 still present allows for a date to be assigned to objects near the
sample. However, due to potassium's high half-life (1.3 billion years), it is
only useful as a dating technique for finds older than 500,000 years old. Also,
it is only useful where volcanic activity existed. Both these methods have
error margins, ranging from a few thousand years in carbon-14 dating to tens of
thousands of years, or more, for potassium-argon dating. However, thanks to
scientific breakthroughs, these ....