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Evolution of Immunity and the Invertebrates
"Article Summery" Name: "Immunity and the Invertebrates" Periodical: Scientific
American Nov, 1996 Author: Gregory Beck and Gail S. Habicht Pages: 60 - 71 Total
The complex immune systems of humans and other mammals evolved over
quite a long time - in some rather surprising ways. I ....
Middle of Paper
.... with an innate system of immunity. Innate cellular immunity is believed
to be the earliest form of immunity. Another form of innate immunity is
complement, composed of 30 different proteins of the blood.
If these mechanisms do not work to defeat an invader, vertebrates rely
on another response: acquired immunity. Acquired immunity is mainly dealt by
specialized white blood cells called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes travel throughout
the blood and lymph glands waiting to attack molecules called antigens.
Lymphocytes are made of two classes: B an ....