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The Test of Honor in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

During the course of the medieval poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Gawain is presented with a number of choices, and must, as a result of these options, make difficult decisions. In most instances, his choices trap his natural self-interest in preserving his own life aga ....

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.... cost over concerns me nothing. But I am bound forth betimes to bear a stroke / From the grim man in green, as God may direct." (Gawain, lines 545-549). During his travels he had every opportunity to turn around. Gawain, however, showed honor and courage and continued on his way. The Green Knight at the end of the poem once again tested Gawain. This was the true test of Gawain's honor as a Knight. He was required to bare his neck to the Green Knight and finish their trading of blows. His flinching at the Green Knight's first feinted blow cost him a little ....

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